In 2005, Congressman J. Randy Forbes from Virginia gathered a small group of members of the U.S. House of Representatives who began meeting in Room 219 of the Capitol to pray for our nation.This meeting is still taking place as Members gather weekly to pray about important Congressional issues. The gravity of their meetings was derived from the humble sincerity of their belief that God could heal America.

As other Americans learned of this call and of Room 219, they began to join the U.S. House Members in prayer. Across the country, churches, families, and communities united with their leaders and are forming local Room 219 groups. Individuals are signing up on the prayer wall and making personal commitments to pray for designated five-minute increments serving as the foundational spiritual blocks to ensure around-the-clock prayer for our nation. As the number of those praying grew, these spiritual blocks of time began to form a powerful wall of prayer around America.


On November 18, 2005, these Members issued a formal “Call to Prayer for America” – a call to “pray without ceasing” for God to heal our land (1 Thes. 5:17). The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation is calling America to pray and ask God’s people to take action.  Sign Up Today and start receiving up-to-date important information as it pertains to our nation. If we do our part, God will bring restoration to America.