The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CPCF) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to protecting religious liberties, advocating for the right of individuals to engage in public prayer and the expression of faith in God, and restoring Judeo-Christian principles to their rightful place. The CPCF unites government leaders at local, state and federal levels, as well as everyday citizens, in order to address and challenge current anti-faith trends impacting the legislative, legal, and cultural issues that seek to limit or redefine our Constitutionally protected First Amendment rights.

  • We build public awareness regarding harmful encroachments on religious freedom.
  • We educate, encourage and equip interested citizens to use their voices in the public arena.
  • We support legislators who promote policies that uphold and advance America’s dynamic Christian legacy.
  • We are confident the necessary resources exist to make a determined and successful stand on behalf of this nation’s rich spiritual heritage.
  • We believe a critical mass of fully engaged and empowered citizens, along with elected officials, will together represent a formidable “cultural tipping point” to accomplish these goals.

Perhaps the most essential purpose for this vital mission is to cultivate a national mindset of humility by acknowledging the Creator’s favor and grace upon the United States as expressed in our national Motto, “In God We Trust.” Now, more than ever, we need a moral and spiritual compass to navigate and resolve the complex and serious challenges facing America, both domestically and abroad.