Groups are calling the nation to the National Mall to pray and worship in Washington DC on October 6-9, 2017.
Read this and other attacks on faith from Weekly Prayer Update 6/26-7/3
“A Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol has been destroyed less than 24 hours after it was erected.…Senator Rapert sponsored the 2015 Arkansas Ten Commandments Act, a law that required the installation of the commandments on the lawn of the capitol building.” He is working with concerned citizens to restore the monument. Read more here.
Update on Congressman Scalise and Matt Mika
Great news! Congressman Scalise’s condition has been upgraded from critical to fair. Also, Matt Mika has been released from the hospital. Thanks for keeping them and their families in prayer.
For anyone who thinks religious discrimination is non-existent in America, the attorneys at First Liberty Institute have a different story. First Liberty announced the release of Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America (2016). It is available online here, free of charge.
Religious Liberty Legislation
Continue praying consistently and fervently for the successful passage of legislation that effectively protects our Judeo-Christian heritage and religious liberty. Also, pray that bills and resolutions that undermine our First Amendment Rights will be unsuccessful.
AZ: Geologist Given Green Light
“An experienced geologist’s lawsuit has prompted federal officials to grant him a long-awaited research permit after they originally denied his application because of his Christian beliefs about the origins of the Earth. In light of the turnaround, an Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorney together with ADF attorneys who represent the geologist, Dr. Andrew Snelling, voluntarily dismissed Snelling v. United States Department of Interior in federal court Wednesday.”
CA: Concerns Over Legislative Measure
“Pacific Justice Institute is raising fresh concerns about a legislative measure that aims to limit the moral expectations of religious employers.”
CA: Another Victory In California
“A California judge issued a ruling in state court in favor of Chabad of Irvine, a synagogue under attack for a traditional religious ritual. This is the second court since May to rule in favor of the synagogue.”
FL: Liberty Counsel Defends Ten Commandments Monument
“Liberty Counsel filed a Motion for Summary Judgement in American Atheists, Inc. v. Levy County, where a local atheist and an atheist group claim that the Ten Commandments monument next to the county courthouse violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.”
FL: Judge Rules To Tear Down Cross, But There Is Hope
“Based on appeals court precedent, federal Judge Roger Vinson reluctantly ruled last week that the 34-foot cross, located in a public park and maintained by the city, is unconstitutional. Pensacola attorney Nixon Daniel, who represented the city, says even though Judge Vinson gave the city 30 days to tear it down, there is still hope for the cross.”
“The U.S. Supreme Court will be reviewing the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. We hope the Court will use this opportunity to protect people like First Liberty clients, Aaron and Melissa Klein, who have been forced out of business because the State of Oregon would not tolerate them operating their business according to their religious conscience.”
First Liberty: “The recent ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Mississippi House Bill 1523, the ‘Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Religious Discrimination Act’ is the latest, but not likely the last, word in an ongoing American conversation on religious liberty.”
NC: WIN! Freedom Of Conscience Protected
Liberty Counsel helped protect the constitutional right of magistrates to follow their conscience and rights to free exercise without fear of punishment.
OK: University To Remove Cross And Bibles From University Chapel
“East Central University said they will remove crosses, Bibles and other religious symbols from a campus chapel to appease a bunch of out-of-town agitators.” UPDATE: The University has reconsidered, and will not cave to the anti-faith group. Read more
PA: Grad’s Commencement Speech Censored Over Prayer
“Controversy is brewing over the remarks a recent graduate of Beaver High School planned to deliver to her classmates at their commencement ceremony.”
WI: Battle Over Crosses Ensues
“The atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin – located about 30 miles west of Milwaukee – complaining it is violating the Constitution with the two signs that display the message: ‘The Churches of Oconomowoc Welcome You.'”
Prayer for the Congressional Prayer Caucus, Their Families, and Staff
Congressional Prayer: Each week Congress is in session, members of Congressional Prayer Caucus meet before votes to pray in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol. Learn more.
There are nearly 100 Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, a bipartisan and bicameral caucus, that is spearheading a strategic movement of national, state and local leaders and citizens who are working together to promote prayer, protect religious freedom and restore, upgrade and popularize America’s founding spirit and the principles related to faith and morality that shaped this Great Republic. Please commit to praying daily for them, their families, and staff.
Pray for our President and all Those in Authority
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim. 2, Psalm 91
Include: Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Military, Faith Leaders, First Responders, Etc.
PrayUSA – Government Leaders Calling The Nation to Prayer
In 2015, government leaders spearheaded an effort to call America back to God and prayer. Be part of the Movement — If you are a government leader, church or organization, you can add your name to the list of leaders who are committed to this Call to Prayer for America. Churches and Organizations can contact CPCF to be added to the list. Government Leaders will be automatically added when you sign the Proclamation (document or online). Sign the Proclamation or host a PrayUSA Sunday.
Join people from across the nation for 24/7 Worship in Washington DC. They welcome worship teams from every tribe, tongue, nation, denomination, and all 50 U.S. states. Learn more here
Awaken the Dawn – October 6-9th
Groups are calling the nation to the National Mall to pray and worship in Washington DC on October 6-9, 2017.
Join the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Prayer Team!
Sign up here to join the CPCF Prayer Team! Upon joining you will receive insider prayer requests about once a month, and invitations to weekly prayer calls.
There are many organizations on the front lines that need our prayers.
Alliance Defending Freedom, ACLJ, Becket Law, Liberty Counsel, First Liberty, Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, Chaplain Alliance For Religious Liberty and any others that come to mind.
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Secular Coalition for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation