Current Issues

Illinois was a success!
February 11, 2015

Last Thursday, February 5th, was a historic day in Illinois as a bipartisan and bicameral group of over 30 legislators established the Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus. While the House recessed early due to weather conditions, preventing some from participating in the event, several senators and representatives remained and helped create an inspiring and memorable gathering. Legislators were joined by passionate citizens in the Rotunda of the State Capitol as they added Illinois as the fifteenth state to the growing network of like-minded government leaders.

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Coming to a City Near You?
January 15, 2015

Atlanta Fire Chief dismissed over Christian beliefs expressed outside of his job!

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Monumental rulings are wins for religious freedom
December 11, 2013

Thanksgiving is not only a special time of year to gather with family and friends, it is a time to reflect and recount the many blessings and answered prayers that each of us have experienced; individually, as families and as nation. We’d like to take a moment to thank the Lord for the tremendous victories in the area of prayer and religious freedom that have occurred over the last couple of weeks. As we have hoped and prayed, taken stands and taken action, the Lord has been faithful to answer.

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**Media Advisory** Members of Congress Defend National Day of Prayer
April 20, 2010

**Media Advisory** Members of Congress Defend National Day of Prayer Members Respond to Federal Judge Ruling National Day of Prayer

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Atheist Group Calls on Obama to Endorse ‘National Day of Reason’ Instead of ‘National Day of Prayer’
April 20, 2010

( – An atheist group is calling on President Obama to ditch the National Day of Prayer and formally recognize

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