Read this and other attacks on faith from Weekly Prayer Update 3/7-3/13
“… all 100 members of the U.S. Senate joined together urging the Trump Administration to take action in response to the recent anonymous bomb threats made against Jewish Community Centers, Jewish Day Schools, and Synagogues. Read more here.
Executive Order On Religious Freedom – Take Action Now
This is the moment we have been waiting for, and we cannot miss it. We are not shouting or resorting to violence; however, we are calling on you to make every effort to encourage the President to sign the Executive Order that establishes a government-wide initiative to respect religious freedom.
The protections in the Executive Order ensures that the public square remains open to all religious voices, and protects diversity and tolerance. Lawmakers and legal experts agree this is good policy, and such policy is desperately needed. Read more about what this Executive Order does and doesn’t do here.
All American should be free to live according to their deeply held beliefs. Recent court cases prove that citizens need protection from government, employers or others, retaliating against people of faith and our First Amendment Rights. Religious Freedom is a fundamental right and should be protected!
TAKE ACTION NOW – Sign the Letter or call (202) 456-1111 and email the President at
Marine’s Religious Freedom Case Could Be Precedent-Setting
“A Christian law firm is petitioning the Supreme Court to review the case of a former Marine who was forced out of the military because she refused to take down Bible verses from her work cubicle.”
For anyone who thinks religious discrimination is non-existent in America, the attorneys at First Liberty Institute have a different story. First Liberty announced the release of Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America (2016). It is available online here, free of charge.
Religious Liberty Legislation
Continue praying consistently and fervently for the successful passage of legislation that effectively protects our Judeo-Christian heritage and religious liberty.
MI: 6th Circuit Asks To Re-Hear Legislative Prayer Case
“A RECENT ruling by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Ohio could set up the first major religious-liberty case Neil Gorsuch may help resolve if the Senate confirms his nomination to the Supreme Court this spring. The Sixth Circuit case concerns a dispute over legislative prayer, a topic Mr Gorsuch has never weighed in on. But in other cases touching on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee has shown little inclination to buttress America’s wall of separation between church and state.” If you are a legislator and would like to add your name to an amicus brief, please email
“The Fourth Circuit issued an order granting a rehearing en banc in Lund v. Rowan County. In September, a three-judge panel issued a decision upholding the county’s prayer practice, but plaintiffs filed a petition for rehearing, which was granted. The case is tentatively scheduled for oral argument during January 24-26. As amici, the brief filed on behalf of the Members of Congress will be refiled with the court at this stage.”
NV: Bills Would Ban Religious Exemption
“…lawmakers are proposing Nevada mandate that all health insurance plans cover birth control regardless of family businesses’ religious objections.
NY: Catholic School Defends Right To Choose Its Principal
“St. Anthony School and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York went to a Manhattan court today to defend their right to choose a school principal without government interference…'”
“A Wisconsin photographer is going to court to head off application of a Madison ordinance and state law that appear to violate religious and free speech rights. The laws prohibit a creative professional from refusing commissioned work that is contrary to their religious or political beliefs, and Amy Lawson, who runs her own photography studio, does not want the city or state to force her to take jobs that promote abortion or unnatural marriage just because she does business with entities and events that she can support.”
WY: Judge Censured For Beliefs
…the state’s Supreme Court censured Judge Neely for making a hypothetical statement around her beliefs about marriage, saying she violated the state’s code of judicial conduct.”
Congressional Prayer Caucus
Congressional Prayer: Each week Congress is in session, members of Congressional Prayer Caucus meet before votes to pray in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol.
There are over 100 Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, a bipartisan and bicameral caucus, that is spearheading a strategic movement of national, state and local leaders and citizens who are working together to promote prayer, protect religious freedom and restore, upgrade and popularize America’s founding spirit and the principles related to faith and morality that shaped this Great Republic. Please commit to praying for them, their families, and staff daily.
Pray For Our President And All Those In Authority
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim. 2, Psalm 91
Include: Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Military, Faith Leaders, First Responders, Etc.
Join people from across the nation for 24/7 Worship in Washington DC. They welcome worship teams from every tribe, tongue, nation, denomination, and all 50 U.S. states. Learn more here
Egypt’s Christians Are Being Driven Out – Will The World Notice?
“A spike in attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt, spurred by a video threat from ISIS, has drawn the prayers and concern of advocates, who are urging global leaders to take notice.”
U.K. Men Fined For ‘Abusive,’ ‘Criminal’ Recitation Of Bible
“Two Christian street preachers were fined what amounts to thousands of U.S. dollars for allegedly engaging in an ‘abusive’ and ‘criminal’ activity by quoting verses from the King James (KJV) Bible – an argument presented by a public prosecutor in the United Kingdom.”
Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
American Prayer Caucus Network
PrayUSA: Government Leaders Calling The Nation To Prayer
There are many organizations on the front lines that need our prayers.
Alliance Defending Freedom, ACLJ, Becket Fund, Liberty Counsel, Liberty Institute, Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, Chaplain Alliance For Religious Liberty and any others that come to mind.
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Secular Coalition for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation