We are looking for more individuals who are willing to pray daily for the Congressional Prayer Caucus, an official caucus of the U.S. Congress, and the CPCF. Please contact Summer Ingram at Summer@CPCFoundation.com if you are willing to make this important commitment.
Chaplains Commend VA On Revised Religious Liberty Policy
“Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty is expressing gratitude to the Department of Veterans Affairs for its recent memorandum to key officials that updates the policy guidance on religious exercise and expression in VA facilities and property.”
Atheists Renew Efforts To Pressure College Football Teams To Drop Chaplains
“A group of American atheists has renewed its effort to pressure top college football teams into getting rid of their chaplains, saying the chaplaincy programs violate the students’ First Amendment rights.”
What’s At Stake In the Next Supreme Court Term
“In Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Pauley, one of the likely highlights for the term, Trinity Lutheran Church in Missouri applied for a state-funded grant to install a rubber playground surface for the church’s daycare and preschool. The state denied its application on the basis that it was a religious institution.Watch Now: Religious Liberty Before The Supreme Court.” Review all cases here.
Senator Sasse Responds To Concerning Report From The U.S. Commission On Civil Rights
“Thank you to Senator Ben Sasse, who spoke on the Senate floor last week criticizing a concerning report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights regarding religious liberty.” First Liberty responds here.
For anyone who thinks religious discrimination is non-existent in America, the attorneys at First Liberty Institute have a different story.
First Liberty announced the release of Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America (2016). It is available online here, free of charge.
Religious Liberty Legislation
Continue praying consistently and fervently for the successful passage of legislation that effectively protects our Judeo-Christian heritage and religious liberty.
AZ: Government Threatens Artists With Jail Time
“Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed an appeal Tuesday that asks an Arizona appeals court to temporarily stop Phoenix from applying an ordinance to an art studio specializing in hand-painting, hand-lettering and calligraphy for weddings and other events because the ordinance conflicts with free speech. The ordinance forces the studio’s two female owners to use their artistic talents to promote same-sex ceremonies and also forbids the studio, Brush & Nib, and its proprietors from publicly expressing the Christian beliefs that prevent them from doing so and that require them to create art celebrating only marriages between one man and one woman.”
IN: Atheists Behind School’s Ban Of Student-Led Prayer
“At the urging of America’s largest secular legal organization, a public elementary school will no longer allow prayer during its kindergarten graduation ceremonies.”
MI: A Small, But Meaningful Victory For Conscience Rights
“In Michigan, the Catholic Church and religious health-care workers have won a small victory for conscience rights. A federal court last week rejected an ACLU lawsuit against the United States Conference of Catholics Bishops (USCCB), filed on behalf of Tamesha Means, who claimed the Catholic hospital Mercy Health Partners should have been required to provide her with an abortion when she was in the process of miscarrying. The suit asserted that an abortion would have been safer for Means than a natural miscarriage and alleged that, because of the Catholic health care system’s policy of never performing a direct abortion, Mercy ‘denied appropriate medical care’ to Means.”
NC: 4th Circuit Upholds Rowan County Invocation Practice
On Monday, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the practice of opening legislative meetings with prayer. Rep. Forbes and Senator Lankford , co-chairmen of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, along with Rep. Hudson led an amicus brief in this case in support of the rich tradition of legislative prayer, as shown in the opening of the House and Senate every day.
This is not over as anti-faith groups are not giving up. Read the brief.
Ongoing in NC: DOJ’s Lawsuit Against North Carolina Is Abuse Of Power
“North Carolina, has sustained unrelenting and coordinated attacks from big business, the entertainment industry, the ACLU, and now the federal government over its common sense bathroom policies. Gov. Pat McCrory and the North Carolina legislature have had enough of this bullying and filed separate lawsuits against the Department of Justice Monday in the reasonable expectation that a federal judge will order the ideologues at the Department of Justice to back off.”
Congressional Prayer Caucus
Congressional Prayer: Each week Congress is in session, members of Congressional Prayer Caucus meet before votes to pray in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol.
There are over 100 Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, a bipartisan and bicameral caucus, that is spearheading a strategic movement of national, state and local leaders and citizens who are working together to promote prayer, protect religious freedom and restore, upgrade and popularize America’s founding spirit and the principles related to faith and morality that shaped this Great Republic. Please commit to praying for them regularly.
Pray For Our President And All Those In Authority
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Tim. 2, Psalm 91
Include: Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Military, Faith Leaders, First Responders, Etc.
David’s Tent
Join people from across the nation for 24/7 Worship in Washington DC. They welcome worship teams from every tribe, tongue, nation, denomination, and all 50 U.S. states. Learn more here
Canada: Major Universities Push Hiring Policies On Small Faith-Based Schools
“The organization representing most Canadian institutions of higher education for a century is poised to enact regulations making it virtually impossible for Christian universities to belong, turning its collective back on the history of education in Canada, where most older universities were faith-based.UC’s board has recommended a draft bylaw and a matching policy to its membership that some are warning will force its Christian members to quit the organization or drop policies requiring staff and faculty to adhere to Christian moral teachings.”
Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
American Prayer Caucus Network
PrayUSA: Government Leaders Calling The Nation To Prayer
There are many organizations on the front lines that need our prayers.
Alliance Defending Freedom, ACLJ, Becket Fund, Liberty Counsel, Liberty Institute, Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, Chaplain Alliance For Religious Liberty and any others that come to mind.
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Secular Coalition for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
For more information about this prayer initiative, contact Summer Ingram, National Director of Prayer and Mobilization for the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation.